If you have in your hand a CD from us
        marked "LISA" you can get the typical
        installation info for it -- click at
        www.yoga4d.com/install.txt and print
        it out. You can also open it in a 
        word processor (e.g. WordPad, OpenOffice.org).
        It is long but it is very easy to install!
        The length has to do with the fact that it
        explains a variety of other things as well.


Aristo Tacoma, Stein von Reusch I want new esthetically simple, hyperfunctional, yet organic design for my website: here (yoga6d.com/start.htm). I want a new programming language for my PCs to do first-hand programming in a creative way (the FIRTH234 -- LISAMENU -- LISA/NOD -- LISA/NOD501 series developed by this author): here (yoga4d.com/start.htm) Both sites by same author, founder of Yoga4d von Reusch Gamemakers, and Yoga6d.com is the web design part of this tiny but trend-setting expertise company. The third opening page (manhattan.htm) is an example of the ease and elegance you experience full-screen when you run LISANOD501 programs (also called Firth Lisamenu or Lisa_Cd programs, or just Lisa programs -- developed by a tremendous creative and at times very intense process which also involved philosophical rethinking of some of the premises of relating to technology 1997-2007 but oriented towards all future PCs). But the variation (in performing with such programs) is of course infinite (the particular program, suitable for business planning meetings with sketching on the PC or laptop PC with a new Lisa_Cd operating system installed, comes up by typing the word SKETCHER when LISA/NOD501 is loaded. The sense of textual command over the whole PC, and yet with ease calling on graphics and mouse, involves a particularly successful modus operandi which you should try out if you are working much with PCs and at least some of the time works on an independent basis from networks.