is location of this document; it's linked to at ========================================================== ========================================================== Some PMN vocabulary; this, alongside the other key documents listed at and inside the Third Foundation G15 PMN are all part of the five-volume The Art of Thinking, by Aristo Tacoma ========================================================== FOREWORD The G15 PMN programming language is increasingly standing forth as something that is a vehicle for clear thinking. There isn't one single reason for it: it is a composion, rather like a musical concert, of a large number of ideas. Though hugely simple, the ideas are many and complex: and for a beginner to G15 PMN programming it would take weeks if not months to get to anything like the present overview, in this vocabulary. You might wonder--why not just present the formalism and leave it at that. The background is just a question of myth. However, a programming language is more wrapped up into contexts than the formalisms of books before the advents of computers. This is especially so now that in the 21st century computers are so used and abused that even the 'concept' of computing is dissolving, partly out of ignorance, partly out of deliberate concealment, and partly out of the fact that its complexity has grown while the accessibility to core content for nontechnicians has shrunk. But when we are going to honor, as we must, the growth of human understanding and responsible citizenship and entertaining and fantastic societies, then we must take care of the whole question of insight into the technologies we take for granted in our daily lives; and in this vision, also, we see that G15 PMN has a role, both practically and as instrument to protect the first-hand understanding of what computers are. But, philosophically, what are computers in the larger worldview? And how do we design what we design inside and also by means of these computers, as influenced by means of the assumptions in these world- views? All these things are part of the living context of human mind within which computing unfolds. And this context is here hinted at--and, here and there, slightly elaborated on. Let me also comment on one feature: there's no end to the programmers who are also fascinated by porn: but most of them seems to have a 'split' mind: never doing both at the same time. Let me call for a new type of technicians, consumed with the artistic beauty of the young female form while also working on the artistic beauty of programs about to take form. Such mind-bridging is near the heart of G15 PMN. And this is part of what I think 'responsible' means, when connected to 'citizenship': not not split parts of human living but rather let them harmoniously speak to each other. This vocabulary doesn't try to hide the fact that the technical and user-friendly application programming language G15 PC has been created as part of an also artistic and philosophical set of activities. I leave it up to the reader of the vocabulary to keep in mind to what category the words belong--whether it be programming, scifi, art, philosophy, science or other. In one way or another, you'll all meet these words, at least, when engaging with the G15 PMN products in any serious manner, over some time, so it's worth the while to have such an overview (however incomplete it is). --AT PS Done March 24 2016 during some hours with B9edit typewriter. There are spelling variations, and when reading it later I'm sure to see all sorts of things that could be done to improve it but, now that you know this, I have a hope you'll put up with it as it is. :-) Any changes later on? I doubt it, but still those would in case be listed at the completing line. I like texts to have a soul, which often is more real in their firstness; esp. when we speak prose rather than comedy writing or programming, where revising of drafts several times over typically are required. PPS By all means give it to others if you like but keep it whole and unchanged and without additions and in a respectful context--the usual criterion for redistribution of self-written texts. ********************************************************** SOME PMN VOCABULARY *anaiis blondin* a scifi character, created after mt {see it}, in 2008, first in an early text form, in which she roams a 'galactic city' called Gracejintu in which computers are tied up in what was there called (and later on used for real in our Avenuege G15 PC network concept) Stellar Craftnet {see it}; with some affinity to the three top muses {see it}. The Anaiis Blondin program with game-like components drawn in Curveart {see it} follows up in a lively and easy-going and fun way, while the Dasha and Kim {see it} scifi writings permit a more book-like scifi explorations of much the same type of themes; both have a component of them in the core G15 PMN platform and are followed up by apps {see it}. *app* A G15 PMN app is a set of programs and/or data gathered on the H-disk and, optionally, some more of the free disks of the G15 PMN platform (the C, D, E and G have core program content on them, while F, I, J, K and L are generally free, the L often used during access of hardware such as in the Firth {see it} extensions). This is created by means of the MNT command in the core G15 PMN platform and associated with seven digits, so that these seven digits are unique within a net site listing apps although they don't strictly speaking have to be unique across app sites. In an app, the H:1 card plays the role of the organising menu, while the H:10 shows disk use and so this is the minimum size of an app. The Third Foundation {see it} is a particularly important general app as it's also a vehicle for making more apps, including of the FCM {see it} type. *ascii* ascii characters are eight bit {see it} but so that, in the standard form, only those with a number from 32 to 126 are used for visible characters including digits and letters in the English alphabet abcdefghijklmnoprstuvw xyz, and uppercase also, with a small but complete set of extra typewriter characters such as ~`'/|<>&# and such; and with some socalled 'control characters' between 0 and 31, notably 10 for lineshift and 8 for backspace. It has been found to be superbly fruitful in all computing. *assembly* In G15 PC, we have the G15 assembly {see it}; the word refers to a language that is as near to the core numbers and their bits as possible so that a CPU {see it} can be programmed to perform its core stuff and so that, by assembly programming work, we can erect the higher levels, which in the G15 PC case is the G15 PMN language. A convenient way to think of assembly language is that it is almost, but not quite, consisting of nothing but a series of numbers that directly instruct the electronics. In order to 'assemble' an assembly programs the bits that aren't numbers are put into numbers. Of course, the G15 CPU {see it} is particularly elegant and minimalistic in its design. The preferred approach to program new applications is by means of G15 PMN where names of functions rather than numbers are more in focus, and where the Third Foundation {see it} is the starting-point. For some technical applications it's good to know G15 assembly so as to give extra speed and such to a PMN program. *atomlight* Educational study, alongside Elsketch {see it} (which focusses on electronics) of the chemical elements, atoms and molecules, that composes the manifest world. *athina salinger* in mt {see it} Athina Salinger is one of the three top muses {see it} and this is the case in all later works by same author also of philosophical nature. *avenuege g15 pc* Our PC {see it} concept when woven around intraplates {see it} and our G15 CPU {see it}. This is a CPU {see it} which is friendly towards hobby computing in that it isn't simply a premanufactured secret of a giant, secret chip foundry belonging to a secretive company having little of the austerity in them that is required to make a scientifically elegant CPU. The Avenuege G15 PC is rather made out of intraplates, so that microscopic components such as transistors and capacitors and resistors aren't prewired but simply available--through bundles of wires (and such) that go from them, rather than merely accessing a prewired setup of millions of them as in the Intel/AMD case. The Avenuege G15 PC is also allowing its own kind of hardware and robotic devices so as to serve the artist. *b9font* the b9font, also called the b9edit font, or used "b9", pronounced as the word "benign", is a middle-thing between classical typewritten courier font and handwriting with emphasis on certain sensible contrasts not only in between digits {which are consistently in italic, or a slanted font} and the letters, but also, as in the case also with our robotfont {see it}, in between such as the letters "i" and the lowercase for of "L" as "l"--again in contrast to the digit "1"; the b9 editor is a G15 PMN program written which makes use also of this font, that from the earlier form of Firth {see it}. *b9edit* see b9font *b9edit format* means that text lines have a lineshift character of the ascii {see it} 10 type; this "b9edit style lineshift" is in contrast to text typed directly into the cards via the card editor {see it} and in some cases can be used for databases to story very varying lengths of texts, also going beyond the text width associated with the classical b9edit editor of 58; cfr also how this is quantum touched {see it}. *berkeleyan worldview* In the 18th century the bishop and philosopher George Berkeley suggested that God creates the world by analogy with how we dream worlds up at night, and in a generalised form, we can call this type of view for a 'berkeleyan worldview'. This has, of course, roots in many world mythologies and religions, not in the least in Indian thought. However, in human dreams, things that should be 'hard' may often be found to be 'soft', while in this world, stuff is typically more durable than in any human dream. This suggests some of the limits of the analogy. For such a worldview to make sense, one must assume that, while the universe may be a conscious wakeful visualisation of God, it also has levels in which something very computer-like organises the fundamental rhythms and properties of many of its elements. In other words, the berkelean worldview makes more sense if God day-dreams computers before going on to visualize bodies and water and stones and such, rather letting the latter be a more explicit feature of orders of what we can call more implicate, to use a notion of Bohm {see it}. It should be of interest to the enlightened reader that mostly any worldview whatsoever can be twisted to be made compatible with a berkeleyan worldview. All it takes is a willingness to assume that there are hidden levels to reality, and that reality emerges out of a deeper reality. In the supermodel theory {see it}, we were concerned first and foremost with how a form of 'active models' relate to one another in a vaguely 'mindlike' way so that quantum phenomena and also gravitation phenomena may be seen to arise coherently from a set of ideas that make sense independent and also as one whole. But then, having clarified this level, it became natural to see how it can be all be seen to be flowing from a deeper level of the kind we can associate with the berkeleyan worldview. *bohm* The thinker and physicist David Bohm authored the Implicate Order concept in which the universe is said to be an unfolding order, or an Explicate Order, in each moment being something that arises from a much vaster oceanic order called the Implicate Order. This is compatible not only with his own interpretation of quantum theory, which he developed after meetings with Albert Einstein (a theory however not accepted by him), but also with several other interpretations of quantum and relativity physics and indeed also, informally, with a number of worldviews. Earlier in his career, Bohm put forth an alternative set of formal results for quantum theory and these led to a strand of interpretation called by some 'boehmian mechanics'. This was helped by J S Bell who in the 1960s, a decade or more after Bohm's first articles on this, analyzed his works so as to produce a theoretical notion of nonlocality, a feature demonstrated in laboratory in a series of experiments by A Aspect in the 1970s. However, and very interestingly, a far more elegant set of formal expressions and ideas--more easy to visualize-- and without a clumsy division of the world into a 'causal' part and a 'quantum potential part'--was made by Louis de Broglie when de Broglie merged the ideas he had of a pilot wave interpretation of quantum phenomena as a youth with about half of the content in the aforementioned articles by Bohm. While some people regard this as just more of the same kind of thing that Bohm worked on--even going as far as to speak of 'de Broglie/Bohm' theory--it is a different approach with unique challenges. These challenges include a necessary rethinking of the possibility of the photon, the imagined particle of light, in fact having a weight which, however, approximates to zero--requiring a rethink both of some of the notions of the 'limitless' and of the 'infinitesimal' that are implicit in the formalisms used by these thinkers. Bohm, together with B Hiley and others, sought to meet the challenges to his own branch of ontological or 'realistic' interpretation of quantum theory but few people in the 20th century worked onwards with what the Nobel laurate Louis de Broglie came up with some thirty years after his essential contributions to the core of bohrian quantum theory. What we can call the 'nonlocal pilot wave interpretation' is however part of the starting-point for the supermodel theory. This is an exciting worldview and there's nothing in G15 PMN that opposes it; rather, we can say that G15 PMN is a formalism in which it is particularly easy to express insights of a relevant nature. *brouwer* The dutch logician L E J Brouwer was one of the few well-published thinkers of standing in 20th century science who challenged some features of some of the socalled 'proofs' that had led to a support of the reductive (and, in practise, mechanistic and atheistic) approaches to the concept of infinity. The approach of Brouwer was to challenge some forms of use of negation and to call for clearer ideas in logical thinking on numbers. However, few seemed to understand him clearly and perhaps it can be argued that his works were eccentric in some regards; the 'golden bits' of his ideas have been expanded strongly and in ways transcending Brouwer completely in papers connected to our infinity works also listed as the standard core set of papers at *card* see card editor *card editor* cards with linelength 29 and sum total characters of 232, which however each can be 32-bit. This is also what we call a quantum-touched {see it} approach. The card editor, a structure shaped in G15 as part of its bold and beautiful design processes, is the chief way of viewing the disks {see it}. It has control keys such as CTR-W to switch on menu mode, which is left by right- clicking the mouse {see it}, CTR-R to position in the middle column used in PMN programming, CTR-A to assemble programs, CTR-X to run the most recent assembled program, CTR-L to load a new card and CTR-S to save this one after editor. It is one of the key marks of G15 PMN platform that it invites changes at all coherent points and gives the human interactor a sense of participation at once, for instance also by starting the G15 menu in the Edit mode so that one can, if one likes, overwrite even the main menu at once, as one of the first things one does. The card editor is started by command CAR and it is quit when one wants to do ART, MNT of an app {see it}, SPR, a simple 'city-like' screensaver, or REB for reboot. The REB is often used during programming to refresh RAM {see it}. *cpu* Central Processing Unit, or CPU for short, is the core element in any PC {see it}, a set of electronics components so as to be able to an assembly language {see it} when first rendered into numerical form--into bits of 1s and 0s, ones and zeroes, that very roughly correspond to volt levels. In a PC we also have RAM {see it}, keyboard {see it}, display {see it}, keyboard {see it}, disks {see it}, and mouse {see it}, and the CPU is regulating all these devices and has its own computer clock. *curveart* In contrast to the gem image format {see it}, where 220 cards are required to store a 500x500 image of greentones {see it}, the inbuild Curveart program, started by command ART inside the starting-up of the G15 PMN platform, permits a lovely consistent way of drawing eg cartoon-art elements for games and other relevant graphics by means of some sizes of visible pixels in a mind-stimlating rasterized way, and stored over a mere 35 cards even though the size of each is over a large portion of the 1024x768 screen. The Anaiis Blondin {see it} cartoon-art program with game-elements are drawn in this way. It's part of artistic capacity to have the insight that an expression should have a consistent, and limited, set of means during its expression. A dance should happen on a stage, writing uses words, and a drawing uses a set of drawing tools. By keeping this set of tools to a minimum, a meaningful minimum, attention goes to content; the mind sees for instance the pixel-choice as a kind of 'font' and focusses more on what is said via the font than on the font itself. The Curveart drawing tool encourages the capacity to draw and the results can be highly stimulating as well as entertaining, as also the Anaiis Blondin {see it} curveart cartoon stories with game-like elements show. *cyclic calendar* The numbers aren't all equally psychologically meaningful, and a cyclic calendar where years are repeated, eg in the proposed 2006 to 2024 manner of 18 years, the exceptional beauty and clarity of the numbers associated with these years--'twenty' and then a number which is under or near twenty--one can then, just as with the cyclic notion of weeks, beginning on sunday again and again after 7 days,--take the same approach with regard to a year-calendar. However, one must then clarify which cycle one is in and so one must give the cycles a tag, eg a number. This is compatible with the calendar as included in the G15 PMN platform (although this calendar doesn't strictly enforce it). *dasha and kim* In prolongation of the early Firth MT {see it} scifi works,--at least in prolongation of some of the features of this scifi--a new scifi series was created with the G15 PMN platform, followed up in the apps. This is related to the more visual Anaiis Blondin {see it} cartoonish story with game-like elements. Both continue indefinitely and are always released as free apps. *de broglie* In the variation of his earlier works, the famous physicist Louis de Broglie managed, in the 1950s, to use a portion of the work by David Bohm to get his socalled Pilot Wave interpretation of quantum physics up on a consistent and no longer self-contradictory platform, speaking in terms of equations. This was achieved by treating, as Bohm early in the 1950s did, the observing apparatus as itself a quantum phenomenon subject to the same type of that which after the works of the 1960s physicist J S Bell was called 'nonlocal' features. However some of the implications of de Broglie's view on reality means that the conflict between some of the assumptions inside the 20th century mainstream quantum theory as emphasized by Niels Bohr and the assumptions in Einstein's treatment of gravitation and, in it, also light, become more evident. As such, this new and significant work by Louis de Broglie was not given the attention it deserves; we are, in the supermodel theory {see it}, undertaking to revise the set of assumptions in both the einsteinian and the quantum branches of physics by trusting that Louis de Broglie got some key points entirely right. *disk* In G15 PMN, letters from A to L and sometimes by means of the corresponding numbers 1 to 12 designate the standard set of disks. In mounting an app {see it}, some of the disks temporarily shift significance. A physical PC may have several sets of disks that one can shift between, each with a G15 PMN platform configured in perhaps different way--for instance, on in which the Third Foundation {see it} is on permanent disks instead of having to be mounted by its app number 3,333,333 each time. The C to L disks are visible in the platform while A and B contains the core content of fonts and underlaying G15 assembly to get such as the card editor {see it} up and running for the whole platform to work. The C, D, E and G disk have content already, but each can be further used for own data and programs. The cards goes from 1 to about 2 million and are sometimes referred to by means of disk letter first and then a colon and then the number. When this colon is replaced by an upward-and-to-the-right pointing arrow or flower-like symbol, which is used in G15 PMN fonts instead of the "0/0"-like "percent" symbol, (in G15 PMN we instead advice the idea of "permille" {see it, without having any particular symbol of it, in order to do 'stimulation, not simulation' {see it}), then, in the card editor (in menu mode, after CTR-W has been clicked), the mouse {see it} pointer device can start any G15 PMN program by a single click. G:15 is for the menu, reached by the HOME function key. PgDn and PgUp scrolls. Physically, a disk may be realised such as by any of the classical magnetic mediums--a kind of plastic-like band to which something like iron powder is distributed very finely, for magnetic patterns to be implanted and changed and read out--to other mediums, some of which approach how RAM can be implemented by means of electronical components while, at the other spectrum, entirely different physical mediums, some faster and some slower, some more stable and others more unstable. For truly long-term storage of data one may wish to produce a physical imprint on something that can then be scanned and recoded--this can even be paper, wood or, for even greater duration, something like a metal like steel. *display* In G15 PMN, which is 'quantum-touched' {see it}, a display is 1024 * 768 pixels of up to 64 tones of green from black to bright green, in a 4 x 3 format considering width times height, a professional and mind-stimulating format, also compatible with GEM image format {see it}, Curveart {see it} work, B9edit {see it} typewriting work, and indeed all that a PC {see it} should be, when conceived of in a 'stimulation not simulation' {see it} method. *eight bit* compare thirty-two bit {see it}. If you make numbers like 00, 01, 10, and 11, you are using two bits. If you make 000, 001, 010, 011, 100, 101, 110, and 111 you are using three. So, by example, you'll understand that eight bit numbers are like 10101111 and 10001001, and there are 256 such variations, 2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2. This is not all that terribly difficult to make in terms of electronics, where '0' and '1' can be given an interpretation eg in terms of volt. Eight bits make up one byte. Four bytes make up a 32-bit number. These numbers can go up to a billion and more and are often used in G15 PMN programming. However to keep a typewriter keyboard mapped we need much less than 256 characters and so texts are sometimes understood to be, or even packed (4 bytes to eight big number, or 32-bit num), of a 8-bit kind. In fact, they are more like 7-bit, in the case of Ascii {see it}, though it's easier to work with even numbers, especially direct multiplies of two, and so '8-bit' and 'text' is often used interchangably in programming. *elsketch* Electronics, both for radio and, in a higher level, digitally (in this case, connected to intraplates {see it}). *fcm* first-hand computerised mentality. This is part of the approach called 'stimulation not simulation' {see it}, and part of the philosophy of first-hand programming {see it}. A comedian expresses humour by means of such as a written text; the humour is evidence of mind, but we do assume that it takes a mind to 'read off' the humour and we never in any way speak of such texts as 'simulating' humour nor containing any element of 'artificial' humour even though the printed text is technically an 'artefact'. Armed with infinity {see it} insights and goedelian insights {see it}, we see it as laughable, low-brain and low-class, not to say tacky and in bad taste, to ever speak of anything remotely similar to 'artificial intelligence' in positive terms. Rather, we want programs to express something of the mentality of the programmers in a first-hand way and FCM, as part of the Third Foundation platform in the sense of an advanced approach and with a formal 'skeleton' as a PMN loop called 'translucent' in it, is our answer to the quest of programming instruments such as robots meant to operate in contexts of somewhat fuzzy input and/or output data and/or with somewhat ambigious top priorities. Can also be used for some forms of eg board games. *fdb* Flexible Data Base, or FDB for short, is part of the notion of using mechanisms for turning text-bits into half-unruly numbers called 'hashes' in the core G15 PMN platform. This can be used for such as customer databases or keyword searching. The flexible part of it is that you have the full power of G15 PMN with you when you do such FDB programming, instead of having to learn a specific 'database script language' or such. *firth* any of our specific hardware-like features of the G15 PMN computers or their networking beyond the core set functions composing the G15 PMN programming language; the earliest use connected to the environment we set up around the earlier form of the programming language, including the scifi texts there called 'MT' {see it}, before the conception of the G15 CPU {see it}; eventually it became a general reference to our wider works with hardware that is tailormade to serve G15 CPU incl the Avenuege G15 PC {see it}; one of the earliest uses includes the name of our language as a variation of the word "forth" (a language that provided some important stack-based features that we further developed); in dialects of english it may refer to source of a river or of a stream or a firwood; in its first form, including the mt and before the G15 CPU concept were produced, it included the B9font {see it} and the notion of first-hand programming {see it} (then called, usually, "first-hand relationship to data"; and its first and final version at that time was April 10th, 2006, 10 o'clock A.M., a time later on used in the idea of a cyclic calendar {see it}; the berkeleyan worldview {see it} melted with the supermodel theory concepts during the production of this early firth. Inside the G15 PMN Yoga6dorg asssembly core 'firth' is used to refer to such extensions to the core, eg as regards file transfer with other computers or other electronics, as require a particular Personal Computer such as the Avenuege G15 PC or a particularly configured PC somehow. *first-hand programming* this was, in the earliest Firth {see it} forms of our languages, called, also, 'first- hand relationship to data'. It refers to such poetic phrases (eg by Jiddu Krishnamurti) as 'to have a first-hand mind'. It means direct perception is a priority rather than foggy or statistical second-hand relationship to the data and to the structures of our programs. It means a quantum-touched {see it} approach where we deny overdone efficiency focus when it goes against deeper priorities. It means that we put humans and the living natural human self-stimulating mind first, also when we do robots {see it} with FCM {see it}. *g15 assenbly language*, also called Yoga6dorg, is a set o about 240 elementary Central Processing Unit instructions, for a PC designed from the transistor / binary gate level and up without relying on earlier types of CPUs; the G15 CPU is moreoever not assumed to be of a 'microchip' kind, but rather have a design that relies on our notion of intraplates {see it}; it goes along with its own way of handling the essential components of the personal computer, including dividing the disk up in 'cards', displaying the cards in its own robotfont {see it}, and emphasizing the psychological significant of thirty-two bit {see it} and just-in time or jit {see it} compilation; the G15 PMN language arose as a desire to have a pleasant high-level and interactive language that, while coherently near the G15 assembly, could be suitable for beginners as well as for high-level complex application writing; G15 assembly is however understood to be part of what high- level work in G15 PMN is all about and in a certain sense it may be said that G15 PMN "is" G15 assembly work (eg, the PMN part is compiled jit right before a PMN program is --in its turn--compiled, as one flowing process). *g15 cpu* The intraplates {see it} CPU {see it} made so that the cirka 240 G15 assembly instructions as core of G15 PMN {see it} can be flawlessly performed directly at the electronical level. *g15 pmn* The language PMN, or Primary Multiverse Noetics, grew out of the G15 Yoga6dorg assembly language idea of about 240 very clear and, for the most part, rather minimal instructions made so that they should be fairly easy to implement directly at the electronical level by advanced use of Elsketch {see it} via an approach to the digital we call intraplates {see it}. The 'noetics' term refers to 'science of mind', to emphasize the mindfulness of G15 PMN. *gem* the G15 GEM Image Editor is, in addition to the B9edit {see it}, one of the two largest applications inside the G15 PMN platform; it uses the Gem Image Format {see it}. The idea here is that the graphics output from a camera, or as produced by a program, is here to be worked on in a first-hand nonmanipulative way, not to conceal or 'imitate' reality but so as to get the best of the photo to come forth. *gem image format* The 500x500 greentone {see it} image format that can be stored over a mere 220 cards, and which is quickly and effortlessly showed by small G15 assembly programs, including the photoviewer inside the G15 PMN core platform and of course by several words inside the PMN language; for Curveart {see it} drawings merely some 35 cards are needed, even these are generally shown over a larger part of the display. To put what 500x500 is, in perspective: by something like 100x150 pixels one can get a good glimpse of what a photo is all about--this is, in comparison, called, sometimes a 'thumbnail' image. This is more than three times in one direction and more than five times the other direction, and in an "unpolluted" screen display where attention goes to the image, then, given the smoothness that 32, or better, 64 tones of monochrome permits, a tremendous clarity, richness of detail, and sense of the beauty and detailed contained of a photo is possible. *goedelian insights* The Goedelian Insights, as we may call them, since Kurt Goedel evolved them late in the 1920s, can be summed up by the insight that machines cannot approach the infinity of perception or intellgence. This can be argued for as Kurt Goedel did, but since his time there are a number of new ways to argue for the same and even to strengthen his argument. In our treatment of infinity {see it}, we provide proofs or insights that go even deeper but which have an artistic similarity to the work that Goedel did. Kurt Goedel's work led rather directly to the foundations of computer science by later developments in the 20th century after him. *god* No philosophy is complete without talking, at least, of the concept of God, in some form or other; and as we have outlined several forms of philosophical concepts here, and also introduced scientific themes, we should also include this concept. Scientifically, what is available in this empirical reality for investigation is, clearly, just a surface scratch of the manifest universe. One cannot draw a conclusion from such 'scratch investigations' as to what exists or do not exist on the question of the fountainhead. In other words, there is no element of absurdity in believing in God and also engaging in logic, reason, rationality, and that can include both conventional and neopopperian {see it} forms of enquiry into reality. Speaking in terms of pure logic, something like a berkeleyan worldview {see it}, is compatible with any form that this world may take. So neither by empirical investigation nor by logical investigation can a faith in the reality of God, in some form, in the slightest be said to be absurd. Absurdities only arise when those who stick to a particular bible text assert things about reality in denial of that which is evident enough, although care must be taken to consider that when that which is evident is perceived with our minds, interpretations can be subtly biased by assumptions that we aren't much aware of at the time. The legendary character of Gothama the Buddha, predating Christ by several centuries, seemed to have favoured the notion of intuitive enquiry into deeper realities. He also seemed to have welcomed doubt in some parts of his teachings should one come to clarities that he hadn't come to. (Indeed, it might be said, the Christ character had a resonance with something of both the Socrates, the Krishna, the Lao Tse character and the Buddha character, in that these all were echoing something of that which christians later thought of as a 'personal God' type of myth. None of these, in contrast to the Hebrew doctrines of Moses, the hero of the culture of judaism, were very much political in the general radiance. Further, inasmuch as these characters became an image of a personal God to a fair amount of people, the God that Moses speaks about is in contrast a distant and typically tyrannic type, not directly inspiring a nonpolitical religious faith of anything like a christian 'All-Father' God, unlike all the other world religions.) Anyway, Gothama wasn't proclaiming himself to be God, but even so one finds that most indian faiths and most buddhist faiths are easily intrigued by the Christ-as-God character. The strongest form of identity of this type is found in the early coptic (egyptic and ethiopian) forms of Christianity, in which the flesh of Christ is imagined to be identical with the divine and thus not merely as manifest humans. This is in contrast to the view that Christ was a human who was a 'vehicle' of the divine. As for the nature of God, whatever names we give to this concept, it can be said that due to the immense complexity of manifest reality and what appears to be its past is such that if God and his supreme beings are actively and personally engaged and present they are good at hiding it. For it is fairly easy to find many causal-looking features of reality and also to imagine that much is an effect of what C Darwin and others regarded as pure coincidence, and random mutations without a design. Certainly, there's much stuff in reality that any of the ancient bible texts say finely little about, unless we very intensely twist their interpretations. Only a person able to hold both intuition and logic side by side without one feature leading to the exclusion of the other can go deeply into these matters. In meditation, something by analogy of what we employ when we engage in logical perceptions over questions associated with numbers and infinity {see it}, may be the only instrument that an individual for sure can use to ascertain, personally, whether the God concepts in some form or another--perhaps the personal, christian God-concept in a way--does refer to a subtle reality or not. Glimpses of such perceptions we can call 'elements of enlightenment'. This may be a more fruitful way to use the word 'enlightenment' than by referring to a phase in the history of Europe when mechanical ingenuity came to the fore, alongside a dose of sceptisism about the divine. However it can be said that, in afterthought, it's a good thing that technology has been unfolded this much, rather than, say, things having been fixed at a steam age condition before the advent of electricity--and that it's likely that a phase with an 'overdose of atheism' was just what it took to get technology quickly developed. Furthermore, as we also point out in any enquiry dealing with the infinity concept, it may be that the human mind and brain, with all their finesses, are capable only of harnessing and reaching glimpses of insights into such lofty percepts without getting 'burned up' in the ecstasy of the insight or the complications of 'infinite self- reference of consciousness or soul' or such: and that, therefore, any such enquiry should proceed with caution and that adequate alternation with entirely other forms of activity should take place to give mind a peace from the intensity of it all. *greentone* the approach of the 'stimulation not simulation' {see it} characterising all of G15 PMN involves seeing the Personal Computer as a way to stimulate the human mind rather than confuse it by any overdoing of imitation of reality. There is a solid quantity of research that shows that while such as TV or video images may reduce the intellectual capacity of the brain, by flooding it with images that have a sense of movement about them as an illusion created by the quick succession, stimuli is achieved by a 'less is more' approach. The fewer fonts on a page, the more the text can come forth; the fewer variations of color on a photo, the more the shapes themselves and the lights and play of shadows and so on can be seen. However, in selecting for a monochrome approach to photo, which is artistically salient, one must take care to select bright green towards black as conducive to harmony while not imposing its own interpretations. For instance, most other colors suggest either too much heat, too much metal, or too much coldness and studies have shown that bright green is stimulating for computer use like no other color, both textually and graphically. However it takes getting used to. *helena salinger* in mt {see it} Helena Salinger is one of the three top muses {see it} and this is the case in all later works by same author also of philosophical nature. *high-powered pmn* high-powered pmn terminal, also called, sometimes, hipow or hi-pow, is a fairly general term encompassing just about any form of G15 PMN that has in it more than the core G15 PMN predefined or pd {see it} functions. It is also the name of one particular set of developments inside the core G15 PMN platform. This is further expanded inside some of the applications inside the same, such as the Calendar and Good Time programs, GEM {see it} and more. All this is brought together as one package in the Second Foundation G15 PMN {see it}, with still more added to make a particularly suitable whole for all future advanced G15 PMN work and also for learning G15 PMN (since it is practical and easy) called Third Foundation G15 PMN {see it}. *hipow* see high-powered pmn *impressionism* What we in the 21st century might mean, as artists, by impressionism is that which is neither an attempt to emulate or simulate reality or photos nor a complete liberation from the wish to relate to reality; but rather such paint-like sketching that fits the para- digm of 'stimulation not simulation' {see it}, eg with ranges of bluetones where somehow a warmth do come through with hints of other colors like violet and a focus is on light and the beauty of the 3 muses as perennial art. *infinity* The clear idea of the infinite goes beyond merely the idea of denying a limit. This idea may perhaps more coherently be said to be a family of ideas. The exploration of this concept has proved to require an exceptional care, as eg goedelian insights {see it} show, and which such as Brouwer {see it} sought to point out in some ways. However, without adequate care into the relationship to this concept how can one relate in a meaningful first-hand way to any key concept of human living such as mind and intelligence and feeling? In what we call the quantum-touched {see it} way, we are learning also from studies of supermodel theory {see it} phenomena in which the interplay between the finite and the infinite gives rise to unique characteristics in each case. Indeed, much of the quantum features of reality come from just such an interplay, one can argue. However, in the 20th century, with roots in work by logicians in the 19th century and earlier, it seems as such caution as Brouwer wanted to have as for treatments of infinity wasn't in place at all. Instead of taking the goedelian insights seriously as an indication that something has gone wrong the whole approach of that which is called 'mathematics', a general attitude of ignoring the results as merely a 'problem of formalisms' was preferred. This careless handling of questions led to a general propaganda around imagined meaningful concepts such as the set N of 'natural numbers' so that this set has all finite and only finite numbers but without any upper finite limit--an idea that doesn't come through as a clear idea when careful thought is put into how such a set in fact is constituted. This sort of 'infinity proof' we put into the works preceeding that of the first Firth works, and they imply, as a general philosophical result, that the finite is more of a question than the infinite; that the infinite in many ways is exactly what mind is, and that the finite must be constructed in this 'oceanic' view of the foundations-- instead of as in quick, shallow (and atheistic) thought, being something that can rashly be assumed to be the starting-point and that 'the infinite' can merely be treated formally through such ideas as 'as far as we please'. This 'tranquiliser philosophy' of mathematics matched with superficial engineering attitudes to physics of the very same type that looked away at the incoherency implanted in the division between gravitation physics by Einstein, where nonlocality {see it} is denied, and the quantum theory by Niels Bohr, Werner Heisenberg, Erwin Schroedinger, with elements from the young de Broglie and drawing on earlier results by Max Planck and Einstein and others, where nonlocality is, as J S Bell showed in the 1960s, always implied, in one form or another. But this also meant that all purely formal ideas of bridging the 'quantum' and the 'gravitation' aspects in mainstream science lacked the coherence of ideas sought for by Einstein in the foundation, and lacked also the insight into just how challenging to einsteinian ideas of space- time that nonlocality is, insights that such as the Bohm and de Broglie, in his later years, each in their own and not overlapping ways sought to further. The second-hand nature of a science that doesn't take the infinity concept seriously but rather as a token in a dry formalism eventually led to a rather full divorce of science from philosophy in the mainstream idea of it in the 21st century. All this led, in turn, to a sense in which the underlaying quality of coherence of ideas in science had been put aside in favour of a frenetic orientation to publish 'useful' (but, as it often turns out, not very correct) results in vast, thick journals belonging to a scientific establishment founded for a large part by international corporations. An answer to this is the type of caution, more or less, that Brouwer sought to bring in, and that implies that we must go back to the foundations and ask the first philosophical questions again--including about infinity, first and foremost--and then very slowly and carefully find out what we can bring in of modern scientific results a kind that really makes sense and can be found to be correct. This, indeed, is the neopopperian approach. It also means that we don't see science as much as profession as rather a set of insights and an attitude of quality characterised by a deep love of reality beyond theory, with awareness of the dangers of hidden assumptions. Enquiries into the infinity, into god {see it}, and so on ought to be done with great care: some minutes at a time, or perhaps half an hour, and then other activities must come in so as to take pressure of the mind. Not few of the greatest logician in the 20th century who dealt much with the infinity concept got a bit affected by their enquiries (ie, got a bit "dotty", as P.G.Wodehouse would perhaps have expressed it). For instance, Brouwer got obsessed with silly risks, Goedel began calculating the 'weight of souls', while Bohm had his turns with electric shocks due to 'energy in the head' right before his death. *intraplate* A computer in the 20th century was, before the late 1970s, made typically by means of some form of 'valve'-like electronical component, first vacuum electron tubes, then, with somewhat more compact size but still requiring houses just for a tiny bit computing, the same type of transistors as one can make radio receivers and transmitters of in eg Elsketch {see it}. After the late 1970s, microscopic transistors imprinted first in the thousands, then in quantities of many millions on sizes such as a fingernail, became the 'chip'-approach to computing, greatly increasing computer power while also leading to as small computers as one could please. The side-effect of this socalled 'integrated chip' or 'microchip' technological revolution was to give the whole design capability of computers as for their CPUs entirely over to militarily controlled foundry factories upon which the rest of the world had to depend for their computing activity. This not only led to a second-hand approach to computing for by far most, but also to a gradual withering away of the premise of elegant design in the core. Instead we got a gradually more and more complicated CPU core with --long into the 21st century--such as automatic routines built into the core to check if arrays looped over are sorted and, if so, some parallel processing automatically sets in without control over this given to the programmers --except, perhaps, those who have access to documents, some classified as military secrets, as to how to impose extra controls over the fundamental electronics in these commercial CPUs. The intraplates {see it} approach to CPU that we have evolved with regard to the Avenuege G15 PC {see it} is a genuine alternative where hardware is thought through far more coherently and consistently and with a first-hand flavour coming forth also in how the CPU is made; with the possibilities of making elements of just such a CPU even on the premise of hobby electronics. Nonetheless, the speeds and, after all, relative robust- ness of the microchips enabled the creation of virtual CPU levels by means of suitable programming near the assembly level so as to enable G15 PC to be performed virtually on top such as a Linux on an Intel or AMD chip of these kinds --and in that way providing a bridge over to such more perfect hardware as Avenuege G15 PC. The intraplate concept, then, is the notion of a plate with a set of potential connections inside this plate, so that by configuring these connections, the plate, perhaps together with a set of other plates, can do tasks which otherwise would have required microchips with prefabricated designs of millions of transistors. These potential connections may be provided to the hobby electronics, or elsketch {see it}, student, as a set of wires to be connected and disconnected so as to effect certain designs. At the level of professional G15 CPU PC connection, however, we seek such speeds--CPU frequencies --that require somewhat shorter wires and a moderate degree of prewiring however only at a general level; but also, to make the complete CPU, so much of it that it is only practical to produce by means of letting robots take a hand with it. There is however just a question of degree of condensation of the intraplate from the level of the intraplate for hobby use and the intraplate that is part of professional G15 CPUs. It's open hardware in a way microchips never can be; learning both from the microchip foundry approaches and from the transistor factories to create open hardware intraplates foundries to accomodate a more clear-cut genuinely personal computer that isn't full of unelegant (though fast) steam-age thoughts such as are implanted into the i386 chip design and their later de-evolutions into such as 64-bit AMD. The G15 CPU design is for human psychology, to be free, to unfold well, to do great and beautiful work, both in the business mode and artistically, and so its design isn't configured according to rediculous market trends. *jit* jit is an acronym for Just In Time compilation and means that a fast compiler {see it} is able to convert the more textual code into a more performable binary form right before this code is needed each time instead of having to rely on a compilation done at an earlier time; the chief advantage of jit over pre-compilation is that the RAM {see it} of the PC as it is when the program is to be run is more a known fact rather than something that has to be anticipated by various schemes and so the source program is more likely to be overall compatible with a variety of computer setups when oriented towards this style of compilation, as is the case with G15 PMN and indeed any Yoga6dorg G15 program, generally speaking. In contrast, such an operating system--which in some senses of the word really is a general type of programming language--such as Linux uses an idea of 'relocation' at its core. This provides some flexibility but at the expense of making the machine code even more messy than it would otherwise have to be to accomodate the Intel/AMD type of chips, from i386 and onwards to their later chips, --and the flexibility is never as rich as with the G15 type of JIT. *keyboard* Keyboard is for a PC {see it} the chief vehicle, in addition to monitor {see it} and mouse {see it}, and sometimes paper output or other input devices (also as related to robots {see it}), for providing a way in which the human interactor with the PC can express herself. The buttons are arranged typically in this way: on top, function keys marked F1..F12. Then, digits, and on top of them, connected to the use of a shift-key, special ascii characters like & and ^, and more of the latter type in the periphery; then in the centre the letters, the top left series beginning with QWERTY. The arrangement is so that much-used letters in English are typically easier to reach when both hand rest in front of the keyboard. At bottom, the space-bar; at right, the lineshift or ENTER key and near this, arrow-keys and such. *lah* The mantra LAH is also an acronym for Lisa, Athina and Helena, the three Salinger sisters or top muses in the mt {see it}. This writer, A.T., typically likes to conjoin this sound with own initials to make up the letters ATWLAH,--'w' for 'with'--which is found all over these productions. *linux* the conventional CPUs require some way of steering them and if this isn't done as in the case of the first forms of Firth, where something like FreeDOS was used in a modified form, then the most decent way of doing it is by means of the (after all rather complex) GNU/Linux operating system. However one can learn a little set of commands so as to control its chief features from a command line. Associated tools of some of these Linuxes are Gimp, Gedit, Gftp, Eog and Firefox. The main way a Linux communicates with hardware is typically by means of a set of microchip-oriented protocols called USB. It's not very elegant, all in all, but probably the best of the commercially or not-quite-commercially available elements of Personal Computing when something less elegant than the Avenuege G15 PC is sought. *lisa salinger* in mt {see it} Lisa Salinger is one of the three top muses {see it} and this is the case in all later works by same author also of philosophical nature. *manhattan transformation* see mt *mouse* or mouse-pointer device is, in addition to keyboard {see it}, display {see it}, disks {see it}, and the core PC {see it} with its CPU {see it} and RAM {see it}, and its various possible hardware extensions for networking and robotic control and so on, regarded as a genius component of good interaction between the human being and the personal computer. It allows, unlike so- called "touch screens", the resting of the mouse pointer device on the table. It usually has a left-click and a right-click option. It may be programmed in G15 PMN so that it has a functionality in togetherness with the keyboard that may be operated, then, by the left hand, eg in Curveart, without requiring such clicks on it as may move it while doing drawing. However, over-reliance on it must be combatted and the mouse shouldn't be used as a replacement for the important focus on keyboard, which remains a main vehicle for stimulating the human mind during various tasks such as writing and programming. The G15 PMN approach to mouse is to welcome it when it really offers significant improvements over only using the keyboard but using the keyboard when experienced use with it is more than adequate, as the case eg with the B9edit {see it} typewriter program. *mt* mt is acronym for 'manhattan transformation' (and sometimes used as name of the earlier forms of the language works that led up to G15 PMN); the manhattan transformation is a series of scifi explorations on the nature of mind, matter, muses, sexuality and so on that provided a fountain of coherent and clear ideas for all later works; the scifi components in the G15 PMN platform are of course building on notions unfolded in the mt writings; a range of metaphysical ideas, providing a refinement of the supermodel theory {see it} also with a concept of the past as simulation {see it}, are amongst the results of these works; the mt writings, with that name (m.t.) first used, began, indeed, in Manhattan, New York, 1997, while the final set of texts gathered under that name was produced with the firth {see it} as released april 10, 2006, 10 AM, or about that time, with the date fixed that day. *multiverse* Many people have challenged the idea that the fullness of reality--cosmos--universe--whatever we call it --is merely one level, the level of that which we see or that which is manifest. And so the notion of the multi- verse, the 'many songs or verses' as we may informally translate it, has been called on by various people in various ways, both inside science and inside computing (for instance, the Ubuntu form of Linux speaks of a 'multiverse' of programs). *multiversity* The concept of a multiversity is here shaped as a general idea of what higher education ought to be about--not a uniform shaping of logic according to such cheap thinking as the 20th century was full of, and which penetrates the uniformist quasi-standards of the socalled 'universities' into the 21st century, but as a both refined and intelligent and sensitive enquiry into fullness of the multiverse, the totality of existence; and with the evolution of concrete capabilities also, such as in art, painting, electronics, G15 PMN programming and so on. For it is part of being able to express something better that one can also think better about it. The full name of what we call G15 Intraplates Multiversity brings all these concerns together; cfr *muses* in mt {see it} the three top muses are the sisters Lisa, Athina and Helena Salinger, for which LAH {see it} is an acronym or sort of mantra; in these writings, the idea is presented that these young preteenish girls have in them three essential forms of beauty out of which all all other forms of beauty are composed; in mt, it the author of mt is self-referentially occurring in mt under an 'mt artist name' (later adopted as artist name outside of mt), namely Aristo Tacoma (composed letter by letter without attempting to refer to any family or such). The muses are in charge of submuses {see it} and in the visualisation proposed in mt, the manifest universe is the collaborative effort of these; the set of views however more or less emerged during the mt writings and more systematic presentation is given in texts by same author after the mt works as in texts found eg at and; the muses are all female however they have features, sometimes enhanced, when called on, of the masculine and so may be said to have transgender features. *neopopperian* When we see science as attitude more than as a 'job', with a foundation in philosophical insights into how a territory may always be more than, and different from, any map or theory we make of it, we are approaching an engagement in 'neopopperian science'. In this, we will also apply care as to any use of the infinity {see it} concept. The notion of a theory as informal, a thing of meaningfulness in the human mind and never identical to any formal structure was championed by such as Karl Popper with strong support from Einstein. However, Popper, alongside a number of other thinkers before and after him, consistently favoured the empirical --sensory--experiencable as the main vehicle for saying 'yes' or 'no' to theories. The 'instances of confirmation' and the 'instances of disconfirmation' we get to our theories, whether they are in part illustrated by formal languages such as G15 PMN also, must, when we deal with such as what Brouwer {see it} wished to rethink as for fundamental properties of numbers relative to the infinite clearly call on human intuition. The more we talk of this need, the more we must confront ourselves with that which we consider to be 'metaphysics', or a question of theories so lofty compared to the manifest universe that they are practically speaking "God's own view". But metaphysics is exactly what a number of thinkers since Kant and including such members of the socalled Vienna circle as Russell, Carnap and others (and visiting members like Arne Naess), felt was a problem area, not something that can be met in a scientific manner. However, goedelian insights {see it} are nearing the metaphysical area in how these dismantle exactly such as Bertrand Russell's set theory (indeed, Kurt Goedel spoke of 'some form of meta reasoning' in his seminal paper pulling apart Russell and Whitehead's Principia Mathematica work). Once we admit the reality and coherent possibility of human intuition to a strong and not merely weak extent, we are shifting much of the emphasis from the 'popperian' approach to what we can then call a 'neopopperian' approach. *nonlocal* If you put your finger into water rings spread out as a kind of cause-and-effect action; the waves, in the case of calm water, go out slowly and orderly enough that it is easy to see that they proceed gradually, by what we can call 'local' effects. Einstein thought, and, as is now pretty clear, wrongly, that whenever anything happens in the manifest world, one can always find local causal correlations. But quantum phenomena in supermodel theory are sometimes entirely 'nonlocal' in how they appear. At least, they do not seem to have even as wild a speed as that of light (some 300,000 kilometers pr sec) as their limit. If they are local, then we're talking of a different order of speeds than anything ever seen in physics. That there's something funny about quantum phenomena was first pointed out with forceful clarity and clear-cut analysis by J S Bell in the 1960s. He was puzzled over why Bohm seemed to be able to do with von Neumann years earlier had, apparently, proven impossible (connected, then, to an early version of de Broglie's pilot wave theory). Bell showed that von Neumann had not made all assumptions in his proof explicit. He only proved that interpretations denying nonlocality are incompatible with the quantum equations. Eventually, it has emerged that these phenomena must mean some reworking of all our physics theorising. This task has been done at the informal level only with super- model theory {see it}--though many has contributed with elements of such theories, only this theory actually takes in the fullness of some form of correlation as inherent in Einstein's works. *past as simulation* in the mt {see it} is first used in a scifi text in which it's argued that it's no fun for the creator of a world to start at atom #1 so to speak; rather the context is the radiant beauty of the muses, and to provide a world complete with a sense of past so that the world is already 'educated' enough to co- perceive the beauty of the muses. *pc* The Personal Computer, or PC concept, orginated by IBM corporation in the late 1970s, encapsulated the notion of a greentone monitor, a keyboard, and, with the later additions as proposed by Xerox SPARC and Apple of a mouse {see it} pointer device, as well as more capabilities of the computer in some regards, so that a human being can have the fullness of operating a computer at close and personal and meaningful range in a mind-stimulating and practical and also sometimes funny way. The PC concept went through a number of permutation before, as we prefer to see it, we 'rescued it' by the G15 approach as here presented, bringing to the fore concepts such as 'stimulation not simulation' {see it}. A PC has keyboard {see it}, display {see it}, disk {see it}, CPU {see it}, and RAM {see it}. *permille* the concept of 'one pr thousand', which is permitting notions such as 500 permille rather than the all-too-secondhand (and, in commercial shallow thinking, so much overused) '50 percent' idea. This liberates our thinking of proportions from the meaningless '100' max. It permits two additional 'decimal dot' corrections of a scale that goes up to 10, and encourages richer flavours of minduse. *personal computer* see pc *programming language* In contrast to English, which is shaped so as to give rise to a range of communication possibilities for the infinitely alive and subtle human mind with all its finer shades of feeling in a totality of insight and meaning--also as communication with oneself-- a programming language is a set of rules for how to put letters and digits and such after one another so as to get a certain effect produced on a PC {see it}. While this bears resemblance to the written form of such as English to a tiny extent, here and there at least, it totally complments English in that the only 'meaning' that is entirely important to the CPU {see it} of a PC is what it means in how it moves numbers and such from one place in RAM {see it} to another, and some more such actions. However, a well-made program--a set of statements in a programming language such as G15 PMN--is also such that it gives artistic and psychological meaning to the human being writing it and to some extent also to those who read the program later on, perhaps even to a very large extent. The beauty of the program involves a sense and a meditation on its order, and echoes something of the poetic quality of some statements in English. Its technical concise aspect is such that it can serve, both by the form of the programming language statements, and, typically also, in terms of what they lead to on the display {see it} of the PC, to illustrate some aspects of thought even beyond what such as English can do. In that way, a programming language, conceived in this pure fashion--and G15 PMN is from the start thought of also in that way--can be a way to work in science, and to get some features of some theories illustrated in ways that can lead to further informal thinking in natural language. Note however that in the neopopperian {see it} approach to science the informal aspect of theorizing must always reign supreme. What with one thing and another, scientists such as Albert Einstein and Louis de Broglie were among those who were absolutely agreeing that the informal and the human visualisation of reality must have a clear-cut precedence over the formal in science. In this, Einstein sought to challenge the mainstream works of quantum theory and while the works of such as Bohm {see it} could have led to alternative approaches that he could have liked, he had, it seemed, a strong bias against anything nonlocal {see it}. *q-field* This is an informal concept arising, like the idea of the 'quantum touched' {see it}, informally out of supermodel theory work. It concerns how we, in designing anything, ought to take into consideration how the super- model of that which we make interacts with other super- models in existence. Each such active or "super" model is existing at several levels in all things, and more so in living things, and most of all in human beings. This means that there are additional features, beyond plain useful- ness, and beyond obvious elegance, that must be taken into consideration for good design to be. In finding a good q-field it will, however, usually also be so that at least in the very long term, the design will also be more practical. This is a complex area and intuition must be the guiding-line; more writings about this elsewhere as also linked to from the page. *quantum touched* This is an informal concept arising naturally out of supermodel theory {see it}. It means that the understandings in that theory are realised here at many levels and in many ways. For instance, in the G15 PMN clock on the G:15 home card, big pixels are used to show analog handles of the clock. These big pixels are there- fore showing features of the irregular--something that arises when something very 'finite' like pixels are put in a context of something more 'infinite'-like such as the idea of a circle in an analogue clock. The middle- thing between a known limit and an idea that goes in some way beyond this limit leads to features that has some resemblance to the quantum phenomena we may find in laboratories set up to study these things. For instance, when the pilot wave of a particle has a constraint, a limit on it, it shows various frequencies clearly, and others vanish. But when the pilot wave has no limit, no constraint, all frequencies become equally possible and so the quantum features are less obvious. Psychologically, in first-hand programming {see it}, we then put a premium on having known constraints so that our insights can take on quantum features. Ultimately, this is not a mechanical process. This is rather a phenomenon that's ultimately rooted in what we mean by infinity {see it}. *ram* the G15 PMN Personal Computer concept is thirty-two bit {see it} through and through, and this affects also how the socalled RAM (originally, "random access memory") where all the most active programs and most active data at any time is held is organized. It's organized as a series of 32-bit numbers, each with a position that also can be referred to by such a number. Though technically one can go from mega to gigabytes in terms of how many numbers one can refer to (though note that when 'byte' is used, it is classically referring to a fourth of this many bits, ie, 8-bit numbers), G15 PMN is all about First-hand Programming {see it} and millions of such numbers are enough and is a suitable constraint. The disks {see it} are holders of that which may be loaded to, and saved from, RAM, and, while much slower, have much larger top capacities. To clear RAM, do a REB command after CTR-Q in the Card Editor {see it}. *robot* from the eastern european word for 'slave', it refers to, put simply, the resulting unit you get when you have a PC that has an extra set of input and output devices, typically such as camera or other sensors as input and motors controlling perhaps wheels or some kind of 'robotic arm' as output. It is part of the first-hand approach to programming and computing to avoid the production either of hardware or software that confuse the human mind by mimicking reality. A robot, in this approach, should look clunky and boxlike and shouldn't be shaped so as to give the appearance of something it isn't. Its output and domain of activity should also be configured according to goedelian insights {see it}, rather than according to the self-deceptive practises that reductive mechanistic pseudo-scientists are doing in the name of what they call 'artificial intelligence'. In the more coherent, more ethical, more meaningful approach, a robot is controlled with FCM {see it} in its computer. *robotfont* also rbotfnt, robotfnt is a font designed, in contrast to the B9font that it complements well, to be excellent for precise technical work with digits, letters and other characters and in a format that also could be rendered to a small matrix of such as LED-lamps; in order to accomodate a small matrix in a way that gives the experienced user with the font clear-cut and vivid contrasts of an unambigious kind as to what letter is what letter and what digit is what digit, the approach in robotfont is taken (with some analogy in Russian) that the same font is used for upper- and lower-case letters. In this way, the design went into what contrasts can be best and most positively implemented in this limited set of pixels without having to duplicate the set of letters; but in order then to indicate when capital letters are sought, the approach was taken to use a place on the matrix as a 'capital letter mark'. The design of this font went alongside with the design of the G15 CPU {see it} itself, and indeed has become a major vehicle of the exceptional and genious clarity of programming and thinking work we now generally associate with advanced G15 PMN programming in the card editor {see it} *rs232* A rather first-hand way to make electronics circuits communicate with a computer or such. *second foundation g15 pmn* An app {see it} summarising all the most-used higher-level functions in G15 PMN in the core platform. Expanded on in the Third Foundation {see it}. *stamash* a concept of martial arts first created in mt {see it} as an evolution and bringing-together of what's softest and most magical about aikido and hardest about karate and kick-boxing; cfr for the real life version. *stellar craftnet* a term we first used in Anaiis Blondin {see it} scifi writings to denote computer network but also part of the G15 PMN platform in the calls done by the B9edit {see it} editor. Its features are as follows: text and image oriented. The images are Gem images. The links are all explicitly shown. No hidden code. The disk L is used to 'link' to various parts of the net. The images are shown on top of the page while robotfont is used at the bottom for the text element. The text can be fetched over to own B9edit main mode for more focus on the text apart from images. More browsers of the can be made, also so as to permit loading in of apps. *stimulation not simulation* the approach taken by all our works in G15 PMN and surrounding philosophy is that of honoring the human mind, feeling, intelligence, and sensibilities, in a coherent way by means of not aiming to superficially impress with reality-imitations but rather to stimulate to own thinking and own visualisation. This is sometimes achieved by visible pixels, as in the Curveart {see it} way of drawing onscreen for cartoon-like games and more; sometimes by greentone {see it}; sometimes by known boundaries, such as the 1024x768 screen size and other known 'constraints' that allows the mind to play against these limits in what we also called the 'quantum- touched' {see it} approach. In the mt, and in later writings linked to at and, the notion of a transition from a 'simulation past' to an 'actual universe' has been utilised several times, fruitfully, on the level of metaphysics and more. The idea of 'past as simulation' {see it} shows how consciousness must be provided with a past to meet with the present even at the expense of making of the past a kind of the sense of a 'hoax', indeed an extremely elaborate one (however one that human intuition is supposed to be able to penetrate to some extent). This is also connected to the writings that involving protecting the mind from too much of the infinity {see it} concept, refer to what's playfully on aforementioned websites called 'cryptonite', also. *submuses* in mt {see it}, the three top muses {see it} has trillions of trillions of muses underneath them, namely, the submuses {all female and young}. *supermodel theory* a nonlocal {see it} theory of the multiverse {see it} of a neopopperian {see it} kind, where features of de Broglie {see} works, his nonlocal pilot wave theory is taken together with (in the ripe, evolved form of s. theory) a berkeleyan worldview {see it}. A 'model' is something like a program yet more capable of being dissolved and recreated by subtle forces. These models are active relative to one another and they are perceving of one another, in that sense, 'super' relative to one another. Other names of this theory also included 'supramodel', 'supratext', or 'supertext'. It's an informal theory, and, in its ripe, neopopperian form, a proudly informal theory, so that the goedelian insights {see it} do not let it have the inconsistencies associated with self-reference. However it has in it a clear-thought revision of the correlations correctly predicted by A Einstein in his general theory of gravitation even as it is very near the quantum level in how it is conceived. It is compatible with a view in which reality has several more levels underneath the 'Planck' level of the quantum phenomena connected to traditional quantum theory. It preceeded both the earliest form of the Firth platform and has informed the whole of G15 PMN through and through, so the latter can be said to be truly 'quantum-touched' {see it}. *third foundation g15 pmn*, sometimes called the "Pen- ultimate High-Powered G15 PMN Terminal" includes FCM and builds on the Second Foundation with a whole, complete, coherent set of programs to serve, consistently, both very advanced G15 PMN application work and also the goal of a pedagogical platform to quickly scan for and look up definitions and browse cards all while doing interactive easy work with PMN. *thirty-two bits* With eight bits {see it}, we have numbers going up to 256 or so. The idea of 256x256x256x 256 shows us that 32-bit involves billions. This is far more convenient for advanced human thinking in that the quantity of digits are above even the ca. 7 that is found to be easy to think with and memorise in the fastest part of the memory processes, the 'active thought' part. When we wish to have signed numbers as well, in G15 PMN signed either with a dash (-) or with an exclamation mark {!}, then we need a bit set aside for this purpose. This diminishes max values of 32-bit numbers, also, in G15 PMN, called 'big numbers' or 'bignums' for short, to some two billion (plus/minus) instead of four billion. But it's still capable of having all numbers up to 999,999,999 with ease. As organising number for the G15 CPU, it suits this purpose infinitely well, also as warps {see it}. *three top muses* In many flavours of world religions, ancient and nwer, the idea of three living essences are often found. Created by God and dearest to him, whether as supreme beings or angels (or that which in early Greek mythology is called "gods", not just "muses", even as Zeus in that very same mythology is a source of all the other active gods and in that way gave rise to the Latin Deus concept of the one monotheistic God in Christianity), these three work with the fountainhead to give rise to all variations in the manifest. *warp* the root of the word 'warp' refers to such as a flower branching out from the rest somewhat unexpectedly, or to some 'crossing' features of some woven textiles, but in scifi it also means utilizing something like nonlocality {see it} in transcending light. Eg, in Isaac Asimov's Foundation trilogy, he speaks of travelling throug 'hyperspace' as the region this neither something nor nothing, and where one can travel between as many lightyears as one pleases between two neighbouring instances of time. This is the idea other scifi writers sometimes refer to be 'warp', or 'going to warp speed'. In programming languages, Forth, C and several other languages gave programmers total control over instant jumping to anywhere else in the program by a feature called 'pointers', often a feared feature, for much could go astray if these weren't handled correctly. In G15 PMN the pointers have got a new name, indeed, the name "warp" (which we did also for the earliest Firth forms of the language), and these warps are not to be feared but to be loved: they are standardised and while they have vast powers, they are also, in a sense, also ordinary thirty-two bit numbers {see it}. Although the context makes them special. Hugely special. *yoga6dorg* the G15 {see it} CPU instruction set is also called the "G15 Yoga6dorg" instruction set or the "G15 assembly language" {see it} "Yoga6dorg" is assumed as part of the "G15" concept also when used to denote the more high-level approach in pure "G15 PMN" {see it}; in addition, the Yoga6dorg word is used to denote various features connected to the network site including also network search as when approached by means of G15 PMN eg in Stellar Craftnet {see it}. * * * If any changes to this document after March 24, 2016, they will be listed, with date, here: === ********************************************************** ********************************************************** **********************************************************